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Thursday, June 1st
Hangout & Early Registration

1:00 pm EST 


4:00 pm EST

We love kicking off our Skyfall Conferences by getting to know people! Bring your lunch and come hang out at the park. It is a great time to meet fellow Skyfallers and let your children get some playtime. Desserts will be provided by Fire & Grace Church. (Weather permitting)


EARLY REGISTRATION: You will be able to sign in for the conference, get your conference badge and t-shirt during this time. 


Location: West Ridge Park (1600 Covington Avenue in Opelika, Alabama)

Friday, June 2nd
Skyfall Conference Day 1

9:00 am EST


10:00 pm EST

DAY 1 of Skyfall 2023 begins at 9:00 am EST. Please click here view the Daily Schedule. There will be breaks throughout the day including extended breaks for lunch and dinner.


NOTE: Pastor Greg Locke will be ministering in the 6PM service. You do not have to register if that is the only service you are attending. Registered conference attendees will have priority seating.


Location: Callaway Conference Center (220 Fort Drive in LaGrange, Georgia)

Saturday, June 3rd
Skyfall Conference Day 2

10:00 am EST 


9:30 pm EST

Join us at 10:00 am EST for DAY 2 of the Skyfall Conference. Please click here to view the Daily Schedule. There will be breaks throughout the day including extended breaks for lunch and dinner.


Location: Callaway Conference Center (220 Fort Drive in LaGrange, Georgia)

Sunday, June 4th
Fire & Grace Church Service

10:30 am EST


12:30 pm EST

Fire & Grace Church Service 


Location: Callaway Conference Center (220 Fort Drive in LaGrange, Georgia)

Sunday, June 4th
Catered Lunch

1:00 pm EST


2:15 pm EST

Catered Lunch. (Advance lunch ticket purchase through Eventbrite is required.)


Location: Callaway Conference Center (220 Fort Drive in LaGrange, Georgia)

Sunday, June 4th
Fire & Grace School of Ministry Graduation

2:30 pm EST


4:30 pm EST

Fire & Grace School of Ministry Graduation.


Location: Callaway Conference Center (220 Fort Drive in LaGrange, Georgia)

Sunday, June 4th
Water Baptisms

8:00 pm EST


9:00 pm EST

Water Baptisms 


Location: Fire & Grace Church (200 2nd Avenue in Opelika, Alabama)

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